Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reflection EDUC 6714

My plan for using the resources found in the differentiation station social network for EDUC 6714, is to continue to utilize them over and over. I plan to take the resources that apply most to me and my 7th grade class level and put them together in list form, save that document both in hard copy and electronic form. By doing this, I will always have a quick reference list/ go to list when planning, creating, and implementing new lessons, assessments and ideas for my classes. This will in turn help me to be a better, more well rounded teacher, by using both the resources on that list and everything I have learned about Universal design and Differentiated Instruction. If I use all three of those, there is no doubt I will be able to reach all of my students. Which, in turn will lead them to having more self-confidence and improved academic abilities including being able to learn and retain more information.

I will make a few adjustments to my instructional practices integrating technology as much as possible. First, I already feel that I do a good job of this, by trying to reach all my students. Next, I plan to look back at previous lessons and lessons for the rest of the year, to continue to look for ways to integrate more technology in to them. By offering my students more options and doing things like “flexible grouping,” and incorporating more usage of the electronic version of my textbook, students can “manipulate the text,” for better understanding and to fit their needs. Technology ideas to be used include Powerpoint, VoiceThread, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and even traditional poster boards. All of these will also include some sort of presentation to the class, either as individuals, in partners, or even groups that share similar interests. Another step is to try and write mini grants for funding to get more technology in to my room, including at least 2 computers. This will save in having to head to the lab or try to get lab time. Finally, I would like to continue to work with the 7th grade teacher to develop a curriculum that meets the needs of all of our students and make sure that we continue to do so.

I look forward to moving ahead with all of my newfound ideas, technologies, and resources that I have gained through this class. It makes me even more excited to see what is coming down the road technologywise an how to continue to meet the needs of my students using these new technologies. The days of the old style classroom are gone and we must continue to strive and prepare our students for the rest of the 21st century by using methods, ideas, and technology that will help prepare them for the rest of their lives!


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Program Fourteen: Reaching and Engaging All Learners Through Technology [DVD]. Brain Research and UDL.. Baltimore, MD: Author.