Sunday, November 28, 2010

Spotlight on Emerging Technology: Online Learning in K-12 Schools for EDUC 6715

If you have problems viewing the VoiceThread, you can click here and it will take you directly to the VocieThread.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reflection EDUC 6714

My plan for using the resources found in the differentiation station social network for EDUC 6714, is to continue to utilize them over and over. I plan to take the resources that apply most to me and my 7th grade class level and put them together in list form, save that document both in hard copy and electronic form. By doing this, I will always have a quick reference list/ go to list when planning, creating, and implementing new lessons, assessments and ideas for my classes. This will in turn help me to be a better, more well rounded teacher, by using both the resources on that list and everything I have learned about Universal design and Differentiated Instruction. If I use all three of those, there is no doubt I will be able to reach all of my students. Which, in turn will lead them to having more self-confidence and improved academic abilities including being able to learn and retain more information.

I will make a few adjustments to my instructional practices integrating technology as much as possible. First, I already feel that I do a good job of this, by trying to reach all my students. Next, I plan to look back at previous lessons and lessons for the rest of the year, to continue to look for ways to integrate more technology in to them. By offering my students more options and doing things like “flexible grouping,” and incorporating more usage of the electronic version of my textbook, students can “manipulate the text,” for better understanding and to fit their needs. Technology ideas to be used include Powerpoint, VoiceThread, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and even traditional poster boards. All of these will also include some sort of presentation to the class, either as individuals, in partners, or even groups that share similar interests. Another step is to try and write mini grants for funding to get more technology in to my room, including at least 2 computers. This will save in having to head to the lab or try to get lab time. Finally, I would like to continue to work with the 7th grade teacher to develop a curriculum that meets the needs of all of our students and make sure that we continue to do so.

I look forward to moving ahead with all of my newfound ideas, technologies, and resources that I have gained through this class. It makes me even more excited to see what is coming down the road technologywise an how to continue to meet the needs of my students using these new technologies. The days of the old style classroom are gone and we must continue to strive and prepare our students for the rest of the 21st century by using methods, ideas, and technology that will help prepare them for the rest of their lives!


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Program Fourteen: Reaching and Engaging All Learners Through Technology [DVD]. Brain Research and UDL.. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

GAME Plan Reflection EDUC 6713

I sat and thought about this post for awhile and even jotted some notes when stopping to reflect to gather up all the information I had taken in over the last 7 weeks. Like most of from my class, I have learned a lot and have taken away more than I ever anticipated. I looked back over assignments and blog posts from the last 7 weeks and my mind starts to race once again. How can I apply all this? Can I fit all this in? Are my students or other teachers going to think I'm nuts? Will parents think I have lost my mind because things are so much different now than when they went through school? These are all questions that I am not too worried about. Because of learning how to GAME plan, I will be able to map out better short term and long term goals not only for myself, but for my students as well. I have already saved a copy of both the NETS-T and NETS-S, to keep both at home and at school for referring back to frequently. I have not started back to school yet, but have already started setting things up and formulating rough drafts of GAME plans for the early part of the year.

As for adjustments to my instructional practice regarding technology integration, I already have saved different lesson plans, ideas and my content area unit plan from week 7. I have a bunch of new ideas to apply to lessons and units already developed from the last few years, but now have tools to attack them in a new way. Things I look forward to using include more project based learning assignments/projects, digital story telling, blogs, wikis, discussion boards and maybe even a VoiceThread or two! As if you can not tell by my typing, I am really excited about getting these things laid out and implementing them, provided I can the computer lab time. If not, I can still do some of them, plus with the digital story telling ideas, I could always have the students just present their story boards to the class.

Finally, I plan to revisit digital citizenship. I have hit it pretty hard in the past already, but plan to start right out of the gate, hopefully the second full week. Then, I plan to refer back to it/remind students before heading to the lab each time. I will also give reminders about educational networking and how it differs but is similar to social networking. I also plan to set up my own facebook page for my classroom - separate from my personal one, to help keep students and parents/guardians up to speed on assignments, projects, quizzes, etc.

Overall, I think this was a great class and have taken a lot away from it! Good luck to everyone!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

When I first started into this class, I had no idea what a GAME plan was. Over time during this course, I have learned how to use the GAME plan, and have already started mapping out part of my year, based around some of the goals I have set for myself. I feel it is a great tool that can only help teachers improve on their work regardless of how long they have been a teacher. It does not matter if they are a 30-year veteran teacher or someone fresh out of college with their whole career ahead of them.

I really liked reading through the NETS-S for students and starting to think about how i could best utilize/ engage students into the process of meeting those standards. I came up with one simple, basic idea, lead by example. I know it may sound a little on the corny side, but here is the plan I came up with:

1. Take them out on the web and show them what NETS-S is, and also show them NETS-T, and explain how these are standards and proficiencies that we both need to meet and will work together on achieving.

2. Explain to students what a GAME plan is, and show them a few examples of my own.

3. Have students develop their own Game plans after showing them the NET-S.(I would make a classroom set of copies, that way each student would have one in front of them) Maybe even put it into a checklist format that way they could easily check off what they had done so far.

4. Monitor their progress weekly or biweekly, by having them pull their GAME plans back out and either check off or cross out what they had already accomplished. I would do the same with mine, projecting it up so they could see m progress as well.

This may all seem like a giant undertaking, but I feel I can start at the beginning of the year, it would be interesting as the year goes along to see students progress, as well as my own. Also, we could continue to modify and set our goals together, and basically grow together. Maybe this is all a little naive on my part, but this is the idea I am going to run with and look forward to any feedback and comments anyone would like to offer up.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 6: Revising Your GAME Plan

The biggest thing I have learned/figured out, is that I need to map out a timeline for my projects. This timeline would not just be for my students, but more or less for me when planning and try and coordinate that with available computer lab time. Without computer labs access, most plans would have to be reworked to accommodate those that do not have internet access outside of school. My plan if that was to happen would be to give students approximately 3-5 days to respond to question or an assignment posted online. This would allow those who do not have internet access time to get to a friends, local library, family members, etc., without having to do it by the next day. Any long term project at this point, without time in the lab, would be pretty much obsolete because of such circumstances.

Goals I would set for myself, would include:
1. Making sure there is a allotted time reserved in the lab for a project
2. Making sure that I meet my timeline set to be ready to be in the lab.
3. Making the most of the time in the lab that we have, so that little has to be done outside of school.
4. Continue to plan well, including making sure all accommodations for my students can be met.

Finally, I would want to make sure that I have everything set up including a list of websites and information readily available for all students. This could be setup through google docs, Blackboard, a wiki, or even a blog.

Again, I look forward to feedback from fellow colleagues as to what I may be forgetting or what I may not have thought about!

Thanks in advance!


Friday, July 30, 2010

Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress EDUC 6713

Like most, school is not in session here in Michigan, but I still am continuing on. As I continue to develop plans and layout for early part of the year I am trying to come up with more ways to integrate technology into my plans/units. In talking with my principal the other day, class lists are not available yet. However, he did ask if I wanted to come in for some brainstorming and curriculum development with a couple of other teachers that will be teaching a computers class for the first time this and the computer teacher. Basically projects and ideas will be discussed, what has worked, what hasn't worked, etc.

My list of websites continues to grow, and am toying with the idea of setting up a blog before school starts for my class and/or a facebook page for my class. I actually had a friend of mine do this last year, school related only, parent and students both loved it. I am thinking that is strong possibility.

I have learned that I really like the idea of project based learning, as I have only used it a little. But, after watching and reading this week, I have thought of a couple of units that I can use it for the coming year.

As far as what do I have to learn, I would say it is just basic thing mostly comprising of time. How much time to spend, how much time in the lab will I need, how soon can I get into the lab - do I have to wait for another unit, and can the computers in the lab handle the technology I want to use? I'm sure more questions will pop up as I go along.

Adjusting of my plan I think, is just a matter of looking down the road as I mentioned above and trying to line up lab time in advance.

I love the feedback I have been getting and look forward to more. Thanks in advance!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monitoring Your GAME Plan Progress EDUC 6713

As I continue working on my GAME plan, I have encountered few problems. Most of the resources I need are already available in our computer lab at school, including computers, internet access, and a variety of programs for students to use. If they will be using VoiceThread, it is just a matter of going in and setting it up. I also figure that if they would like to search for clips and ideas on Unitedstreaming, I will give them my login information. I plan to use some of the same websites we had for my previous class from Walden University, EDUC 6712. I have also started compiling a list of websites to include.

Overall, I am pretty happy with my action plan. However, one of my problems is that school is not in session and class lists have not been established yet, so it is hard to determine exactly what my students needs will be. With no IEPs or 504s, I can only make tentative ideas for them.

I have also learned that overall, this has been a fairly easy process. Plus, the more I play around with some of the programs, I am becoming more and more comfortable with them. Basically, it gets me excited about school getting closer to starting back up, so I can put some of my ideas into action. I have talked to a couple of fellow staff members with some ideas and they have been helpful, but mostly want to wait until school is back in session.

As of now, no new questions have popped up, however, I'm sure given time they will. My brain always seems to be running 100 miles an hour!