Saturday, October 31, 2009

Technology interview with students...

I recorded this in my classroom at school, the students thought it was great that they got to help me with MY homework!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reflection on EDUC 6710

When this class first started, I was not up to speed on all the latest applications for using technology in the classroom. I only knew what I now consider the basics - doing basic internet research, PowerPoint, and maybe even participating in a discussion board question or topic like in Blackboard. I have now been introduced to a few new tools that I look forward to using in my classroom. These new tools include the use of blogs (other than myspace and facebook), wikis, and podcasts.
I continue to realize and utilize new ideas that stray from what many consider the old tried and true methods of just taking notes, lecturing, etc. Continuing to grow and experience new things as a teacher can only help to better prepare for the future and the 21st century students. As my skills improve so does the quality of education I provide and share with them, which in the end helps prepare them for a more technologically diverse global world.
With my style of teaching, I have never considered myself to be a teacher-centered teacher, but a more learner-centered teacher. The only thing I really have to add to my style of teaching was something I read about how lectures should not be teacher lecturing to students, but actual discussion and sharing of knowledge and ideas. I feel that the way most of my short lectures have been has been more like that anyway, but I continue to re-evaluate my teaching methods to make sure I stay up to date and keep my students well informed.
Two long term goals I have may be accomplished in a two year time period. The first is to get all my students laptops with internet access in my Social Studies classroom. By doing this, they will be able to continue utilize 21st century technology on a daily basis and not be limited to just a few lab days or spending time at home on the internet. I hope to accomplish this by continuing to work with my district and begin writing grants. The second long term goal I have is to no longer have the need for textbooks. As the Social Studies curriculum continues to evolve they keep pushing more and more technology based ideas and lesson as opposed to the old tried and true methods of reading, taking notes, etc. We, the Social Studies department, were very close this year, and will continue to pursue this idea. By continuing to lobby not only the district, but also parents, I hope to achieve this. I feel both will be a challenge because there are still many old school style thinkers that believe all students should still have books and homework every night. The 21st century is upon us and we need to be ready by changing our thinking patterns and adjusting to the world around us.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

This is a very interesting website. I like the fact that this group is starting to partner with various states already, which was surprising to me, to help students with the new skills that they will need. When I first logged on to this website i noticed all the articles on the right hand side that talked directly about what was going on politically in some areas with education and I thought to myself, "Why in the world do I want to get into all of this?" But, as I started poking around and found out exactly what this group was up to, I thought it was great. I also liked seeing everyone that was involved with the Professional Development assistance, names that we all know - Apple, Blackboard, NEA, Verizon, just to name a few. I really liked looking through the MILE guide. We have something similar that we recently adopted for our new curriculum, which is heavily technology driven. If people are looking for more ideas they should definitely check this site out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Idea for my classroom and lesson(s)

I have thought of many ways to use my blog for my class. I think the first lesson i would use it for would just to familiarize themselves with it. I may post a topic or thought, then have them comment on it. Eventually I would like to leave it for comments on anything we would do in class, whether that means after watching a clip, reading a passage, or one of my favorites,show the a picture from a region we are studying, and take what they know of that region and tell me a story about it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Technology for my classroom

This is my very first blog I have done other than myspace. I am hoping that with time I will be able to develop it to the point where my students can access and use it for not only a communication tool, but for school work too.
We have had Prometheon boards installed in all of our classrooms in my building over the summer. I also have a mounted projector that will help bring my students into the 21st century. I hope to incorporate it along with blackboard, and other forms of technology including podcast, blogs,etc. Hopefully this first blog doesn't sound too lame!