Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Idea for my classroom and lesson(s)

I have thought of many ways to use my blog for my class. I think the first lesson i would use it for would just to familiarize themselves with it. I may post a topic or thought, then have them comment on it. Eventually I would like to leave it for comments on anything we would do in class, whether that means after watching a clip, reading a passage, or one of my favorites,show the a picture from a region we are studying, and take what they know of that region and tell me a story about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,
    I agree that we need to take small steps when trying something new in the classroom. Although it will be easy for the students to adapt to the change, it will take us some time. The technology trend in education, unlike other trends, is not going away. The more we incorporate technology in our lessons, the better prepared our students will be for the future. Your ideas about what to try on a blog sound good. I wonder if you would feel comfortable asking students how they would like to incorporate a blog in your classroom? If you give them input or a choice, they will buy into the idea and take more ownership for it. They may come up with some good suggestions too. Just a thought...
