Sunday, September 13, 2009

Technology for my classroom

This is my very first blog I have done other than myspace. I am hoping that with time I will be able to develop it to the point where my students can access and use it for not only a communication tool, but for school work too.
We have had Prometheon boards installed in all of our classrooms in my building over the summer. I also have a mounted projector that will help bring my students into the 21st century. I hope to incorporate it along with blackboard, and other forms of technology including podcast, blogs,etc. Hopefully this first blog doesn't sound too lame!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let's try this again. I said that your site looks great. I tried the white on black layout but mine looked terrible. With regard to your students, what do you have in mind?
