Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

This is a very interesting website. I like the fact that this group is starting to partner with various states already, which was surprising to me, to help students with the new skills that they will need. When I first logged on to this website i noticed all the articles on the right hand side that talked directly about what was going on politically in some areas with education and I thought to myself, "Why in the world do I want to get into all of this?" But, as I started poking around and found out exactly what this group was up to, I thought it was great. I also liked seeing everyone that was involved with the Professional Development assistance, names that we all know - Apple, Blackboard, NEA, Verizon, just to name a few. I really liked looking through the MILE guide. We have something similar that we recently adopted for our new curriculum, which is heavily technology driven. If people are looking for more ideas they should definitely check this site out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Idea for my classroom and lesson(s)

I have thought of many ways to use my blog for my class. I think the first lesson i would use it for would just to familiarize themselves with it. I may post a topic or thought, then have them comment on it. Eventually I would like to leave it for comments on anything we would do in class, whether that means after watching a clip, reading a passage, or one of my favorites,show the a picture from a region we are studying, and take what they know of that region and tell me a story about it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Technology for my classroom

This is my very first blog I have done other than myspace. I am hoping that with time I will be able to develop it to the point where my students can access and use it for not only a communication tool, but for school work too.
We have had Prometheon boards installed in all of our classrooms in my building over the summer. I also have a mounted projector that will help bring my students into the 21st century. I hope to incorporate it along with blackboard, and other forms of technology including podcast, blogs,etc. Hopefully this first blog doesn't sound too lame!