Saturday, March 13, 2010

EDUC 6653 Problem Statement

I have decided to determine and evaluate the difference between the use of new technology in the form of electronic textbooks as opposed to the standard paper textbook with my seventh grade classes. By doing this, I expect to find which has a greater impact on student learning, increased ability, and engagement.

Who: Seventh grade students
What: Use of electronic books as opposed to traditional paper textbooks
Why: Impact on student abilities, learning, and engagement.


  1. Mike,
    Great idea. I know that are students have access to online books, parents love this idea. I wanted to research how the use of Kindles or iPads with all of their textbooks instead carrying the books themselves. But there is not enough research that has been done. I am curious as to whether or not anyone is doing something like this


  2. Erika, thanks for the comment! Did not think about incorporating Kindle into this idea! I know our online book has the feature where they can click on a speaker and it will read to them.

  3. Hey Mike,

    I actually work as a Math Editor at a pretty big publishing company and I know that e-everything is one of our goals. I believe that goal was originally created by market demand but I think most in publishing now recognize the "potential" of having these resources available.

    Your conclusions will interest me too.

    Take it easy,

    James Matthews

  4. Hello Michael,

    I love the idea. I believe that students will get a great deal out of using the modern technology of today. Also, the e-books give you the ability to have so much more information in a smaller size. It is also Earth healthy. Not as many trees being cut down.

    Have Fun,


  5. Hi Mike,

    Loving this idea! It's great for students to have access to the book at home, at any time...unless the power is out or the Internet is down, or "my mom wouldn't let me get online..." and it could go on...these might be some problems that come up, along with lack of technology and/or funding. Like I said, I love this idea, but just some ideas to toss around as you begin your research. Also, would you provide access to the online book for one group and limit the technology for another group?

    Thanks and good luck!

  6. Mike~

    I love the idea! Have you given any thought to whether you will research this issue across the content areas, or will you focus on one specific subject? How will you assess the overall impact or lack of impact?

    Good luck!
