Sunday, March 21, 2010

Writing Research Questions for EDUC 6653

Problem statement:

I plan to determine the difference in achievement, as measured by standardized tests and course quizzes, between the use of online textbook and the traditional hardcopy textbook for 7th grade students.


Does having online access at home have an impact on how much time is spent using the online text?
(This would be a quantitative and quasi-experimental designed question)

Do students show more or have more interest in homework completion using the online textbook?
(This would be a qualitative, and I believe interactive designed question.)

I also believe that since I have formulated both types of questions I would be using the mixed - method approach. I am just not sure what method design would work better, the exploratory or triangulation design? Plus, do you think I should add more questions or simply stick with these two? Thanks in advance!

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    You're research is similar to mine. We are both comparing assessment scores from traditional teaching materials versus interactive online materials. Your questions are very good and I think I may use your first question in my research, if you don't mind. You might want to add a third questions addressing the involvement of parents and if it increases or decreases with an online textbook.

