Sunday, April 18, 2010

EDUC 6653 Evaluating Research Methods

Scenario 1: Ten students are available for in-depth interviews. Participants will be selected based on their involvement with the peer mediation program. They will be observed over three weeks. Analysis will attempt to determine issues concerning peer mediation.

I think the qualitative method would be the best, because according to Dr. Canipe, it would be considered a face - to - face in a natural setting type.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program six. Qualitative Research Methods [Motion picture]. Introduction to educational research. Baltimore: Author.

Scenario 2: Two classrooms of students are selected. There are 30 students in each class; each group will have similar demographics—age, sex, race, socio-economic background, etc. Classes will be randomly divided into two groups of 15 students. Of these two groups, one randomly selected group will get training on peer mediation and the other group will not. Thus in each classroom there will be one group that is trained in peer mediation and one that is not. Analysis will occur on which groups have the fewest office referrals.

I also feel this could be answered by using the qualitative method because of the fact that race is coming in to play which would be classified under the ethnograpic type. Basically, "the cultural group in natural setting, " according to Dr. Canipe.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program six. Qualitative Research Methods [Motion picture]. Introduction to educational research. Baltimore: Author.

Scenario 3: A school counselor is interested in knowing how student attitudes affect the value of peer mediation to decrease the number of office referrals that are being filed for inappropriate interactions.

For this scenario, I pick the quantitative method, because variables have been setup, and their is validity due to the information being collected is appropriate. Although, looking back, and action method could be used because according the video, "it is work that has immediate application to a specific problem."

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program five. Quantitative Research Methods [Motion picture]. Introduction to educational research.. Baltimore: Author.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program seven. Additional Research Methods [Motion picture]. Introduction to educational research. Baltimore: Author

Scenario 4: Peer mediation has become widely used in many schools. The feelings of those involved in the process are little known—either from those doing the mediation or those receiving it. The ZASK-R Acceptance Preference Survey will be given as pre- and post-tests to 40 students participating in mediation. Follow-up interviews will be conducted on a bi-monthly basis.

The qualitative method may be the best choice here, it is similar to a critical study that is being done. It could also be argue this is a case study being done, because the follow up interviews would have participants giving information and "summaries more or less told through stories."

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program six. Qualitative Research Methods [Motion picture]. Introduction to educational research. Baltimore: Author.

I am definitely curious about thoughts on my responses and look forward to reading them!


  1. Mike,

    I agree with you for the most part but I was just wondering about scenario four. Do you think it could be possible that it is action research? The part of the research where the researcher takes part in the interviews shows that he or she becomes part of the action. I too was confused because it it qualitative since the goal is to answer the "why" but even though it is digging for why, it also taking action. What do you think?

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