Tuesday, August 17, 2010

GAME Plan Reflection EDUC 6713

I sat and thought about this post for awhile and even jotted some notes when stopping to reflect to gather up all the information I had taken in over the last 7 weeks. Like most of from my class, I have learned a lot and have taken away more than I ever anticipated. I looked back over assignments and blog posts from the last 7 weeks and my mind starts to race once again. How can I apply all this? Can I fit all this in? Are my students or other teachers going to think I'm nuts? Will parents think I have lost my mind because things are so much different now than when they went through school? These are all questions that I am not too worried about. Because of learning how to GAME plan, I will be able to map out better short term and long term goals not only for myself, but for my students as well. I have already saved a copy of both the NETS-T and NETS-S, to keep both at home and at school for referring back to frequently. I have not started back to school yet, but have already started setting things up and formulating rough drafts of GAME plans for the early part of the year.

As for adjustments to my instructional practice regarding technology integration, I already have saved different lesson plans, ideas and my content area unit plan from week 7. I have a bunch of new ideas to apply to lessons and units already developed from the last few years, but now have tools to attack them in a new way. Things I look forward to using include more project based learning assignments/projects, digital story telling, blogs, wikis, discussion boards and maybe even a VoiceThread or two! As if you can not tell by my typing, I am really excited about getting these things laid out and implementing them, provided I can the computer lab time. If not, I can still do some of them, plus with the digital story telling ideas, I could always have the students just present their story boards to the class.

Finally, I plan to revisit digital citizenship. I have hit it pretty hard in the past already, but plan to start right out of the gate, hopefully the second full week. Then, I plan to refer back to it/remind students before heading to the lab each time. I will also give reminders about educational networking and how it differs but is similar to social networking. I also plan to set up my own facebook page for my classroom - separate from my personal one, to help keep students and parents/guardians up to speed on assignments, projects, quizzes, etc.

Overall, I think this was a great class and have taken a lot away from it! Good luck to everyone!


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