Friday, July 30, 2010

Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress EDUC 6713

Like most, school is not in session here in Michigan, but I still am continuing on. As I continue to develop plans and layout for early part of the year I am trying to come up with more ways to integrate technology into my plans/units. In talking with my principal the other day, class lists are not available yet. However, he did ask if I wanted to come in for some brainstorming and curriculum development with a couple of other teachers that will be teaching a computers class for the first time this and the computer teacher. Basically projects and ideas will be discussed, what has worked, what hasn't worked, etc.

My list of websites continues to grow, and am toying with the idea of setting up a blog before school starts for my class and/or a facebook page for my class. I actually had a friend of mine do this last year, school related only, parent and students both loved it. I am thinking that is strong possibility.

I have learned that I really like the idea of project based learning, as I have only used it a little. But, after watching and reading this week, I have thought of a couple of units that I can use it for the coming year.

As far as what do I have to learn, I would say it is just basic thing mostly comprising of time. How much time to spend, how much time in the lab will I need, how soon can I get into the lab - do I have to wait for another unit, and can the computers in the lab handle the technology I want to use? I'm sure more questions will pop up as I go along.

Adjusting of my plan I think, is just a matter of looking down the road as I mentioned above and trying to line up lab time in advance.

I love the feedback I have been getting and look forward to more. Thanks in advance!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monitoring Your GAME Plan Progress EDUC 6713

As I continue working on my GAME plan, I have encountered few problems. Most of the resources I need are already available in our computer lab at school, including computers, internet access, and a variety of programs for students to use. If they will be using VoiceThread, it is just a matter of going in and setting it up. I also figure that if they would like to search for clips and ideas on Unitedstreaming, I will give them my login information. I plan to use some of the same websites we had for my previous class from Walden University, EDUC 6712. I have also started compiling a list of websites to include.

Overall, I am pretty happy with my action plan. However, one of my problems is that school is not in session and class lists have not been established yet, so it is hard to determine exactly what my students needs will be. With no IEPs or 504s, I can only make tentative ideas for them.

I have also learned that overall, this has been a fairly easy process. Plus, the more I play around with some of the programs, I am becoming more and more comfortable with them. Basically, it gets me excited about school getting closer to starting back up, so I can put some of my ideas into action. I have talked to a couple of fellow staff members with some ideas and they have been helpful, but mostly want to wait until school is back in session.

As of now, no new questions have popped up, however, I'm sure given time they will. My brain always seems to be running 100 miles an hour!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Carrying Out Your GAME Plan (EDUC 6713)

Resources needed would include the following:
1. Internet access and computer
2. Access to united (from Discovery).
3. Examples of different types of websites including .gov, .edu, .com, .org, and any others that people may feel would be helpful.

Additional Information needed would include:
1. Students with disabilities and/or accommodations (copies of IEPs and 504s)
2. Background from fellow staff members on my current students that might be helpful
3. Feedback from fellow staff members, including having them sit in on a class period or two to see the assignment/project in motion

Steps taken so far:
1. Layout of ideas and revamping of similar plan
2. Locating websites to show example of
3. Not much more, school in not currently in session

Any other ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated from fellow Walden students! Thanks in advance!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Developing Personal GAME Plan - EDUC 6713

The indicators I chose were #1, to Facilitate and Inspire students learning and creativity, and #4 Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility from the National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T):

G = goals:
1. To have students working more on researching , analyzing and drawing comparisons to real world issues globally and within the United States. One example I already work with is working /mental conditions in India's call centers. They could be compared to auto factory jobs here in the US?
2. Continue to model and teach validity of websites and proper citation for all information obtained on the web.

A = action
1. One example I already work with is working /mental conditions in India's call centers. They could be compared to auto factory jobs here in the US?
2. Use the website example that was used in my EDUC 6712 class to determine the validity of websites. Also, include explanations and example of how to tell if a website has good information. Included would be definitions and example of website addresses ending in .gov, .edu, .com, .org, etc.

M = monitor
1. I will check for understanding periodically by including questions in warm-ups/bell work.
2. Have students demonstrate/model for the class how to tell if a website is valid and has good information.

E = evaluate and extend
1. If I see students are struggling, I will go back and look for other ways that I could explain and model things.
2. Get feedback from students and colleagues on what if anything could be done differently?
3. Continually modify and tweak methods and projects for student’s achievement.

National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at